Claim eCard

Claim your AHA eCard or Download another one

If you need to “Claim your original eCard” or “Download Another eCard” then please use this direct link, if you call us to ask about sending you a new eCard we will direct you to this page to use the link and download another one. The business enters your personal information as you printed it on the roster, then the American Heart Associations system sends out the email to claim your eCard. This is not sent from Save A Heart CPR and will be coming from “AHA Claim Your eCard”.

BEST TIP: Check your SPAM folder! Yahoo and business or school emails appear to have the most problems receiving AHA emails from what we hear.

Direct Link:

If you would like to have an American Heart Association (AHA) eCard or Managing Assaultive Behavior Certification verified that was issued through our Training Site please use our form submission on the Home Page of the website. Please specify the name of the participant, date of the course, Certificate Number if listed and the instructor who conducted the course.

We will get back to you as soon as possible with the verification of the certification in question. We thank you for your patience and will work as quickly as possible to answer your questions.

Thank you,

Save A Heart CPR